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Yubai (Shanghai) Lubricants Co., Ltd.

98彩票Contact: Huang Jianhong

Phone: 13857390065

98彩票Landline: 400-826-3332

98彩票Website: lgsjdp.com

98彩票Production address: Jinhui Road, Outer Ring West Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanshan Street, Ningguo City, Xuancheng City, Anhui Province

Simple identification method for common grease


98彩票Grease is a lubricating product used in most factories. How to identify its type and quality? Here are some simple and practical methods for everyone:

First, sensory judgment:

98彩票Some commonly used greases can be directly judged by perception, and they are briefly introduced as follows:

1. Appearance and color can be used as a basis for preliminary judgment. Calcium-based fat and lithium-based fat are creamy, while sodium-based fat is fibrous.

98彩票2. Various fatty acid soap-based greases have a certain degree of oily odor and aroma. Various hydrocarbon-based greases do not have this scent, they usually have mineral oil and waxy taste.

3.Identify whether a grease is sodium-based or calcium-based. Take a small amount of fat with your fingers, apply a little water, and twist slightly. If it emulsifies quickly, it is a sodium-based grease. fat. The same method can be used to identify whether a long-fiber grease is calcium-sodium-based or barium-based, because barium-based grease is also a water-resistant grease. Calcium sodium based lipids can also be slightly emulsified. Shanghai Lubricants

98彩票4. Fill some grease with a beaker, then heat up and measure the temperature change with a thermometer. When the temperature reaches 90-100 ° C, if it is a calcium-based fat, it will dissolve and the soap oil will separate, that is, the soap mass will float in the oil. If it is a sodium-based or calcium-sodium-based fat, it cannot be dissolved at 100 ° C, and the time is prolonged, and the calcium-sodium-based fat may also undergo oil and soap separation.

lubricating oil

Simple judgment:

Whether the quality of the grease is good, you must go through laboratory analysis to draw the correct conclusion. However, the quality of grease can be roughly judged by the following simple methods:

1. Visual inspection The new grease has a fluorescent response. The so-called fluorescence reaction is to use a glass bottle to hold the grease. Under the outdoor sunlight, the surface of the grease is slightly reflective. The fluorescence reaction of all used old fats disappeared.

98彩票2. Distinguish by smell If used fats are severely aged, they tend to have acidic odor.

3. Fill the beaker with grease and heat it on the alcohol lamp. If a squeaking sound is found, it means there is water.

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