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L-DVA vacuum pump oil

L-DVA vacuum pump oil

  • Category:Rocky MountA grade series lubricant
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Rocky L-DVA vacuum pump oil

O product model: 100, 150

O product introduction:

This product is made up of high quality mineral oil and a variety of selected additives. The product meets the following specifications SH/T0528-92.

O packaging specification: 170kg; 16KG

O application: it is suitable for sealing and lubrication of all kinds of mechanical vacuum pumps.

O performance characteristics

The lower saturated vapor pressure of N can maintain the limit vacuum degree and the faster pumping rate at high ambient temperature, and has better oil and water separation ability.

N excellent anti foam and oxidation stability.

O part of the technical parameters:

ISO viscosity grade

One hundred

Kinematic viscosity (40 C), mm2/s

Ninety-nine point four five

Flash point (opening), C

Two hundred and forty-two

Pour point


Saturated vapor pressure (20 C), kPa


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