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Rocky CD diesel engine oil

Rocky CD diesel engine oil

  • Category:Rocky MountA grade series lubricant
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Rocky CD diesel engine oil

Product model: CD 15W/40, CD 20W/50

Packing specification: 170kg; 16KG

O Product Description:

This product is made up of high quality paraffin base oil, adding proper detergent, ashless dispersant, antioxidant, anticorrosive agent, anti foaming agent and other functional additives. The product conforms to the GB/11122-2006 (CD) technical standard, and its performance and quality level meet the requirements of the CD diesel engine oils classified by SAE and API.

O application: it is suitable for all kinds of medium and light vehicles and civil ships.

O performance characteristics:

N good high temperature detergency dispersity: it can effectively inhibit the deposits on cylinders and pistons.

N good wear resistance and corrosion resistance: it can effectively prevent wear, rust and corrosion of bearing shells.

N excellent anti foaming property: it can quickly eliminate bubbles in oil products and ensure the normal lubrication of oil.

Low volatility and excellent shearing safety.

O part of the technical parameters:

ISO viscosity grade

CD 15W/40

CD 20W/50

Kinematic viscosity (40 C) mm2/s

One hundred and twenty-eight point seven

One hundred and sixty-six point four

Kinematic viscosity (100 C) mm2/s

Fourteen point one

Seventeen Point Two

Viscosity index

One hundred and eight

One hundred and twelve

Flash point (opening) centigrade

Two hundred and twenty

Two hundred and twenty-four

Pour point temperature



Mechanical impurities,%





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