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Rocky ashless antiwear hydraulic oil

Rocky ashless antiwear hydraulic oil

  • Category:Rocky MountA grade series lubricant
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Rocky ashless antiwear hydraulic oil

O product models: 22, 32, 46, 68

O product introduction:

This product is made from deep refining, high quality base oil and ashless additive formula. It is made up of international advanced technology. This product is especially suitable for lubrication of hydraulic systems containing silver parts.

O packaging specification: 170kg; 16KG

O application: especially suitable for precision hydraulic system with silver parts.

O performance characteristics:

N unique zinc free antiwear formula, effective protection of silver containing parts, extend the service life of silver and silver plated parts.

N oil has better hydrolytic diazepam performance and can provide good protection when the system is polluted by a small amount of water.

O part of the technical parameters

ISO viscosity grade




Kinematic viscosity (40 C), mm2/s

Thirty-two point nine eight

Forty-eight point six two

Sixty-eight point two five

Viscosity index




Flash point (opening), C

Two hundred and twenty

Two hundred and twenty-one

Two hundred and thirty-five

Pour point





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