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Special cutting fluid for Loki aluminum material

Special cutting fluid for Loki aluminum material

  • Category:Rocky MountHigh-end series lubricants
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Special cutting fluid for Loki aluminum material

O product introduction:

O this product is made from refined mineral oil, extreme pressure additive, aluminum corrosion inhibitor, oiliness agent, rust inhibitor, emulsifier, fungicide and so on. It has good lubricity, extreme pressure and rust resistance. The stability of the diluent is excellent. It can obviously improve the processing efficiency and product finish, and prolong the service life of the tool.

O packaging specification: 200L; 18L

O application:

It is suitable for drilling, tapping, tapping, broaching and cutting of aluminum and its alloys.

O performance characteristics:

N has good anticorrosive properties for aluminum and also has good corrosion resistance.

It is suitable for grinding, cleaning and cleaning in the process of grinding CNC machine tools and machining centers.

N has excellent lubricity, cooling resistance, extreme pressure resistance and rust resistance. It is suitable for processing all kinds of materials.

O usage: dilute this product to 5~10% concentration and dilute it with tap water.

O part of the technical parameters: This product is referenced to JB/T7453-2013 semi synthetic cutting fluid standard.


quality index

test method


Appearance (15-35 C)

Uniform transparent liquid

GB/T6144 5.2

bin stability




Uniform, transparent or translucent

GB/T6144 5.4

PH value


GB/T6144 5.5

Rust resistance (35 C + + 2 c), H


GB/T6144 5.9

Surface tension dyn/cm.

Less than 40

BIHR180 interface tension tester

Defoaming property (mL/10min)

Less than 2

GB/T6144 5.6

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