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L-HM 46 anti-wear hydraulic oil

L-HM 46 anti-wear hydraulic oil

  • Category:Force
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Main performance

Outstanding anti-wear performance, through a variety of hydraulic pump tests, effectively extending the operating life of the pump and system;

Excellent filterability, which can minimize the filter clogging;

98彩票Excellent oxidation stability and extended oil service life;

Excellent rubber adaptability, effectively protect the sealing material and prevent leakage;

Good water separation performance, make oil and water separate quickly, avoid oil emulsification;

Good air release and foam resistance;

98彩票Good viscosity temperature performance and good shear stability, provide effective lubrication protection at high temperature.

Application range

Widely used in industrial, shipping and mobile mechanical equipment, engineering machinery, construction machinery, mining machinery, metallurgical equipment and other high-pressure hydraulic systems.

Packaging specifications

98彩票16L / plastic bucket

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