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Rocky L-QB300 high performance heat transfer oil

Rocky L-QB300 high performance heat transfer oil

  • Category:Rocky MountA grade series lubricant
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Rocky L-QB 300 high performance heat transfer oil

O product introduction:

This product is made from refined mineral base oil and refined with various additives, such as clean, disperse, high temperature oxidation resistance, etc., with low volatility and high flash point. It is proved to be a high performance heat conducting oil which can be used for a long time at a relatively wide temperature. Its oxidation resistance is 10 times higher than that of mineral oil, and it is not easy to generate sludge due to oxidation.

O packaging specification: 170kg; 16KG

O application:

It is suitable for occasions such as oil boilers, oil bath stoves, drying rooms, heat setting and distillation, melting and fractionation, and reactor heating.

O performance characteristics:

N uses this product without grinding. It has excellent oxidation stability and excellent heat transfer performance.

N conforms to ROHS instructions, and is certified by SGS and ISO9001 without environmental pollution.

N equipment has no pressure requirements, easy operation, long service life, high comprehensive utilization ratio and high cost performance.

O part of the technical parameters:

ISO viscosity grade

Three hundred and twenty

Kinematic viscosity (40 C), mm2/s

Thirty-two point seven

Kinematic viscosity (100 C), mm2/s

Five point four two

Viscosity index


Flash point (opening), C

Two hundred and twelve

Pour point


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