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Rocky T knitted oil

Rocky T knitted oil

  • Category:Rocky MountA grade series lubricant
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Rocky T knitted oil

O product introduction:

It is made up of highly refined "white" paraffin base oil and special antioxidants, rust inhibitors, defoamer and wear resistant additives.

O packaging specification: 200L; 18L

O performance characteristics

N good oxidation stability, long term use will not produce sludge and acid characteristics, to prevent mechanical wear and power loss.

N with oil additives can form a layer of oil which is not easy to wash away on the metal surface.

N color is light, it is not easy to leave stains on the fabric, and it is a compound lubricating oil. It is easy to clean.

N metal has strong adhesion, so it is not easy to slip away when running.

O application:

N is suitable for knitting industry, especially for hosiery machine lubricants.

N is suitable for lubrication of lubrication and rolling bearings, cam, coupling, needle and other textile machines.

O part of the technical parameters:

Kinematic viscosity (40 C) mm2/s

Eighteen point three

Flash point (opening) centigrade

One hundred and ninety-two

Pour point temperature


Mechanical impurities%




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