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Long life turbine oil of Loki

Long life turbine oil of Loki

  • Category:Rocky MountA grade series lubricant
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Long life turbine oil of Loki

O product model: 32, 46, 68

O product introduction:

It is made up of premium base oil and multifunctional additives, and is suitable for lubrication of high power supercritical steam turbines and light duty gas turbines.

O application:

It is suitable for lubrication and sealing of high power supercritical steam turbines, light duty gas turbines, large and medium sized ships and other industrial steam turbines, gas turbines and hydraulic turbines.

O packaging specification: 170kg; 16KG

O performance characteristics:

N excellent oxidation stability, effectively control the production of oil sludge, and ensure that oil has a long service life.

N excellent water separation performance ensures fast and thorough separation of moisture into the system for various reasons.

N has excellent anti foaming property and air release performance, effectively reducing cavitation of pumps.

N excellent rust prevention and corrosion resistance to prevent corrosion of equipment.

O part of the technical parameters:

ISO viscosity grade


Kinematic viscosity (40 C), mm2/s

Thirty-two point seven eight

Viscosity index

One hundred and twenty-eight

Flash point (opening), C

Two hundred and twenty-five

Pour point


Oxidation stability, H


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