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Rocky EP-2700 cutting fluid

Rocky EP-2700 cutting fluid

  • Category:Rocky MountHigh-end series lubricants
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Rocky EP-2700 cutting fluid

O Product Description:

This product is made up of base oil, rust inhibitor, emulsifier, lubricant, extreme pressure agent and water-based antirust agent. It has excellent lubricity, extreme pressure and cooling. This product has stable quality, good rust resistance, high cleanliness, no moldy and deterioration, long life cycle, no toxicity and no irritation when used.

O packaging specification: 200L; 18L

O application:

N is used for cutting and grinding processes of various machine tools and machining centers.

N single unit liquid supply and central cooling system for centralized liquid supply can be applied.

N is suitable for vehicle, grinding, milling, drilling, boring, hinges, tapping and other processing methods.

The recommended concentration of n is cutting: 1:10~1:20; grinding: 1:20~1:25

O performance characteristics:

N good lubrication, cooling, cleaning, anti rust performance, improve the workpiece surface finish, ensure the workpiece and machine tool rust prevention requirements.

N has good corrosion resistance, good foam inhibition, stable life of diluent and low maintenance cost.

N waste liquor is easy to handle.

O part of the technical parameters: This product is referenced to JB/T7453-2013 semi synthetic cutting fluid standard.


quality index

test method


Appearance (15-35 C)

Uniform transparent liquid

GB/T6144 5.2

bin stability




Uniform, transparent or translucent

GB/T6144 5.4

PH value


GB/T6144 5.5

Rust resistance (35 C + + 2 c), H


GB/T6144 5.9

Surface tension dyn/cm.

Less than 40

BIHR180 interface tension tester

Defoaming property (mL/10min)

Less than 2

GB/T6144 5.6

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