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Rocky H high efficiency antiwear hydraulic oil

Rocky H high efficiency antiwear hydraulic oil

  • Category:Rocky MountHigh-end series lubricants
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Rocky H high pressure abrasion resistant hydraulic oil

O product model: 32, 46, 68

O Product Description:

This product is made of high quality imported base oil and imported compound additives. Development of hydraulic system for medium and high load hydraulic systems and construction machinery and vehicles.

O packaging specification: 200L; 18L

O application:

It is suitable for all kinds of imported and joint-produced excavators, loaders and cranes hydraulic system, and is suitable for all kinds of domestic excavators and loaders.

O performance characteristics

The product has the properties of oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, anti emulsification, oil-water separation, defoaming, low temperature flow and so on. It can meet the harsh requirements of the hydraulic system, and has excellent filtration, multi metal compatible stability, and prolongs the running life of the equipment system.

O part of the technical parameters:

ISO viscosity grade




Kinematic viscosity (40 C), mm2/s




Viscosity index, not less than




Flash point (opening) centigrade, not less than

One hundred and seventy-five

One hundred and eighty-five

One hundred and ninety-five

Pour point centigrade, not higher than






Previous:Rocky PR-C201 antirust oil2019-12-04

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