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CF 15W-40 diesel engine oil

CF 15W-40 diesel engine oil

  • Category:Force
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

98彩票Performance characteristics

98彩票Efficient cleaning ability, reducing carbon deposits, keeping the engine clean and reducing body wear.

Add high-performance anti-wear agent, which has effective anti-wear ability and prolongs engine life.

98彩票Excellent viscosity-temperature performance, long-term viscosity retention ability, small change in viscosity during use.

Strong corrosion resistance, excellent oxidation resistance under high temperature and high load conditions.

Application range

Suitable for heavy-duty, high-boost, high-power direct-injection diesel engines, suitable for oil demand of large generator sets

98彩票Applicable to the use of vehicle engines with large payloads, long continuous running times, and long engine operating conditions

98彩票Also suitable for use in engineering machinery engines under high power and high dust environment

Suitable for diesel engine application industries that require the use of CF-4, CF, CD and other grades of oil. Commercial fleet, engineering construction, port handling, agricultural machinery

98彩票Packaging specifications

16L / plastic bucket

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