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CKC 150 medium load industrial gear oil

CKC 150 medium load industrial gear oil

  • Category:Force
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  • Release date:2019-12-04
  • Description

Performance characteristics

Excellent extreme pressure anti-wear performance can effectively prevent tooth surface from abrasion, abrasion and gluing, and ensure smooth gear operation.

Excellent oxidation stability and thermal stability ensure long service life of oil products.

Excellent anti-rust, anti-emulsification, and can effectively prevent the machine parts from corroding under the condition of water ingress during gear oil work.

Excellent foam resistance, can provide effective oil film protection, and play a good role in lubrication and heat dissipation.

98彩票Application range

Suitable for the lubrication of low and medium speed large closed gear transmissions in the mining, cement, fertilizer and metallurgical industries with tooth surface contact stress less than 1100mpa (N / mm²)

Packaging specifications

98彩票16L / plastic bucket

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